Sunday, July 27, 2008

Object Oriented JavaScript book released and Sample chapter

Packt publishing have recently released a new and interesting JavaScript book that teaches users how to create scalable and reusable JavaScript applications and libraries using the concepts of object-oriented programming. Written by Yahoo! Web developer Stoyan Stefanov, Beginning Object-Oriented JavaScript will teach users to solve web development problems using smart JavaScript. Ajax Magazine readers can download the sample chapter (PDF 872Ko) to have an idea on what the book is all about.
For years, JavaScript has been a handy hacker's tool for adding interactive elements to web pages, now it can be used to build large libraries, multi-tier application architectures, and advanced logic. With these new applications of JavaScript, you need a new way to learn and write it. This book treats JavaScript as a serious object-oriented language. It shows how to build robust, maintainable, and powerful JavaScript libraries, applications, and classes as well as cover many of the recent JavaScript innovations such as AJAX, JSON, and interesting design and coding patterns.