Twitterfone launched in May to let Twitter users post new messages by calling in to a phone number and speaking out what they want to say. The service then converts the message to text and posts it to your Twitter account along with a link to the audio file. Here’s a test message I created at the launch. The service is a great way to leave a quick Twitter message when you’re away from your computer and only have access to a phone - the service offers local number in 19 countries and is expanding regularly. The company says 20,000 people have signed up for the service since launch.
Today Twitterfone will start converting your Twitter messages to audio, too, giving users a full audio interface to the service. As of today, when you call Twitterfone the service offers to let you record a new message, listen to messages from your friends, and reply to messages publicly or privately. Users can listen to the first ten messages.
For now, only English is supported, but Japanese is next up. The service is free and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
If you are a Twitterer, you’re gonna love this. Below is a quick demo video I did via Qik that shows the functionality.
Today Twitterfone will start converting your Twitter messages to audio, too, giving users a full audio interface to the service. As of today, when you call Twitterfone the service offers to let you record a new message, listen to messages from your friends, and reply to messages publicly or privately. Users can listen to the first ten messages.
For now, only English is supported, but Japanese is next up. The service is free and will remain so for the foreseeable future.
If you are a Twitterer, you’re gonna love this. Below is a quick demo video I did via Qik that shows the functionality.
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