Friday, September 12, 2008

iamnews is a global open newsroom powered by you. With iamnews anyone can assign news tasks. Everyone can participate.
It is for independent reporters, photographers, media moguls and anyone who wants to connect with reporters from the world and … Learn More

The last company to present yesterday at TechCrunch50 was picked by the audience from the more than 100 additional companies vying for attention in our DemoPit. Every attendee got three TC50 poker chips that they could give to a DemoPit company each day, and the one with the most chips at the end of the conference became our 52nd finalist. This year’s winner was Iamnews, a crowdsourced newsroom with ambitions to one day take on AP and Reuters.
Iamnews is a news assignment hub for blogs and news Websites. It is a tool for crowdsourcing news. A blog or any Web publisher can use it to solicit submissions from citizen journalists—videos, photos, links, Twitters, notes, or full articles The Web publisher then takes all the submissions and pulls together the best ones to create a post or article..
Israeli founder Nir Ofir, who is also the founder of, explained:
The problem is most small to medium publishers do not have the resources to tap copyrighted news and photos. We allow publishers to create news assignments, invite reporters to come in and collaborate in the creation of news. You can invite your own reporters, or we can match you with reporters.
So a blog that wants to cover an event like next year’s TC50, for instance, could put out an assignment and solicit reports, photos, and videos from other bloggers at the conference and attendees themselves. Crowdsourced journalism just took a step forward. The site is still in private alpha, but we will have invites soon.